Thursday, March 18, 2010

Autism Research Program

The Autism Research Program recognizes the critical need for improved resources to advance the field of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) research and diagnosis, and to improve outcomes for individuals with ASD. The Resource Development Award supports product-driven research aimed at developing tools for use by the ASD research and/or clinical communities.

These resources may include, but are not limited to, (1) high-throughput assays, (2) noninvasive imaging techniques, (3) diagnostic tests, (4) databases, (5) devices, (6) clinical tools, and (7) model systems. Applicants should clearly articulate how the proposed product addresses an unmet need in the ASD research or clinical communities.

Research involving human subject use is permitted under this funding opportunity, but is restricted to studies without clinical trials.

Preliminary data relevant to the proposed product development is allowed, but not required. (1)Preliminary data, (2) unpublished results from the laboratory of the principal investigator, (3) the research team, or (4) the collaborators named on this application, may be from outside of the ASD research field.

Amount: $150,000 (across 2 years)

Date due: March 31, 2010 (Pre-application)

For more information, click here.